[티베로] Export/Import
2023. 5. 31. 09:13
티베로 Export/Import 하기
티베로에는 오라클의 데이터베이스 백업과 복원에 필요한 expdp/impdp와 유사한 tbexport/tbimport 유틸이 존재합니다.
tibero/clinet/bin/tbexport 파일을 이용하여 export 합니다.
모드는 Full, User, Table 3가지 모드를 지원하고 있으며, 세 가지 모드 중 하나를 선택하여 진행합니다.
Usage : tbexport [options] [parameter=value parameter=value ...]
-h|--help Display the more detailed information.
-v|--version Display the version information.
-p|--patch Display the binary's patch information.
CFGFILE Config file name
COMPRESS Compress Mode: Y/N, default: N
CONSTRAINT Export Constraint: Y/N, default: Y
CONSISTENT Consistent Mode: Y/N, default: N
ENCRYPTION Encryption Mode: all/data_only/metadata_only/encrypted_columns_only/none, default: none
ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD Encryption Password to encrypt dump file
EXCLUDE Limit the export to specific objects # 제외 대상
FILE Export dump file name, default: default.dat
FULL Full Mode: Y/N, default: N # 전체 덤프
GEOM_ASBYTES Export the geometry columns as bytes, default: N
GRANT Export Grant: Y/N, default: Y
INDEX Export Index: Y/N, default: Y
INLINE_CONSTRAINT Use the Inline Constraint: Y/N, default: N (this option is only supported for the not null)
IP IP address, default: localhost
LOG Export script log file name
LOGDIR Export log directory
NO_PACK_DIR Export unpacked dump files to specified directory.
If this option is specified, FILE parameter will be ignored.
OVERWRITE Overwrite datafile if same file name exists: Y/N, default: N
PASSWORD User password # Import 사용자 패스워드
PORT PORT number, default: 8629
QUERY Where predicate: (Optional) to filter data to be exported
(must be used with TABLE parameter)
REMAP_TABLE Remaps the objects from the source table to the target table. # 변환할 테이블
REMAP_TABLESPACE Remaps the objects from the source tablespace to the target tablespace. # 변환할 테이블스페이스
ROWS Export Table Rows: Y/N, default: Y
SAVE_CREDENTIAL Save your username and password to specified file
SID Database name
TABLE Table Mode: table name list. # 테이블 모드시 사용
Append :<Partition Name> to select a single partition (Optional)
TEMP_DIR Directory for the temporary raw dump files.
THREAD_CNT Thread Count, default: 4
USER User Mode: user name list # 사용자 모드
USERNAME Database user name # 로그인 사용자
INDEX_PARALLEL_DEGREE Export Indexes with parallel indexing value default:NOPARALLEL
# Full 모드
$ tbexport username=sys password=tibero port=8629 sid=tibero file=exported.dat full=y
# User 모드
$ tbexport username=sys password=tibero port=8629 sid=tibero file=exported.dat user=tibero
# Table 모드
$ tbexport username=sys password=tibero port=8629 sid=tibero file=exported.dat table=tibero.TableName
Full, User, Table 3가지 모드 중 하나를 선택 진행해야 하며, Import전 TableSpace, User를 생성해야 합니다.
BIND_BUF_SIZE Specify the buffer size of DPL stream, default: 1M(1048576)
CFGFILE Config file name
COMMIT Commit after the insertion, default: N
CONSTRAINT Import Constraint: Y/N, default: Y
DBLINK Import DB Link: Y/N, default: Y
DPL Use Direct Path Load: Y/N, default: N
ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD encryption password to decrypt dump file
EXCLUDE_TABLE Exclude Imported Table, default: None
EXCLUDE_USER Exclude Imported User, default: None
EXP_SERVER_VER Specify the exported server version, default: 8
FILE Import dump file name, default: default.dat
FROMUSER FromUser toUser Mode: user name list(must be used with TOUSER parameter)
FULL Full Mode: Y/N, default: N
GRANT Import Grant: Y/N, default: Y
GEOM_ASBYTES Import the data to the geometry columns as bytes, default: N
IGNORE Ignore create error due to object existence: Y/N, default: N
INDEX Import Index: Y/N, default: Y
IO_BUF_SIZE Specify the buffer size of file I/O, default: 16M(16777216)
IP IP address, default: localhost
LOG Import script log file name
LOGDIR Import log directory
NATIONAL_CHARSET Specify the exported national character set, default is the exported character set
NOLOGGING Import Table's NOLOGGING attribute: Y/N, default: N
NO_PACK_DIR Import unpacked dump files from specified directory. If this option is specified, FILE parameter will be ignored.
PASSWORD User password
ROLE Import Role: Y/N, default: Y
PORT PORT number, default: 8629
PSM Import PSM: Y/N, default: Y
P_DPL Use Parallel DPL: Y/N, default: N
ROWS Import Table Rows: Y/N, default: Y
SAVE_CREDENTIAL Save your username and password to specified file
SEQUENCE Import Sequence: Y/N, default: Y
SID Database name
SYNONYM Import Synonym: Y/N, default: Y
TABLE Table Mode: table name list
TEMP_DIR Directory for the temporary raw dump files.
THREAD_CNT Thread Count, default: 4
TOUSER FromUser toUser Mode: user name list(must be used with FROMUSER parameter)
TRIGGER Import Trigger: Y/N, default: Y
USER User Mode: user name list
USERNAME Database user name
# Full 모드
$ tbimport username=sys password=tibero port=8629 sid=tibero file=test.dat full=y
# User 모드
$ tbimport username=sys password=tibero port=8629 sid=tibero file=test.dat user=tibero
# 사용자 변경을 통한 Import
# fromuser: 기존 사용자, touser: 변경 사용자
$ tbimport username=sys password=tibero port=8629 sid=tibero file=test.dat fromuser=fromUser touser=toUser
# Table 모드
$ tbimport username=sys password=tibero port=8629 sid=tibero file=test.dat table=tibero.test Table 모드